5 Games to Play at Christmas

These five games are some family favourites, and the best thing about them is, you don’t need to have purchased them. The only thing you’ll need with these games is a pen and paper, a timer and your family!!
This is a classic family game which I’m sure all of you know. Pick a film, book, song, TV programme of your choice and act it out without saying a word. Whoever guesses right gets to go next. It’s pretty simple and always gets the minds working and the excitement flowing when you guess correctly. Either write down some suggestions and put it in a bowl and pick it out in turns, or just make it up as you go along.

Here is a great game for everyone to enjoy. Like charades, either write down some suggestions and put it in a bowl and pick it out in turns, or just make it up as you go along. Then instead of acting it out, you have to drawer what you want them to guess. This is sure to get your creative juices flowing.
The Alphabet Game
Each of you must write down a category, be it, Countries, Food, Names etc. Put the category in the bowl and select one at random. Then you take it in turns to go round the letters of the alphabet and choose a word that fits that category. For example if the category is Food, A could be apple, B could be banana etc. But think quick. You only have 15 seconds to think of a word. To make it more fun, all start with 5 chocolates. If you don’t think of a word in time, the person who’s turn it is next gets to have a go and if they get a word in 15 seconds you have to give them one of your chocolates.

Riff Off
This game is a great test of your music knowledge and your singing ability. Each of your write down 6 words at random. Anything that pops into your head. Then mix them up and pop them in a bowl. Take it in turns to pick a word and you have to think of a song containing that word. BE QUICK because you only have 20 seconds to do so!
Scavenger Hunt
Think of a word, any word, why not make it Christmassy like, SANTA or WREATH. Once you have picked a word, it’s your job to go round the house as quickly as possible and find an object beginning with each of the letters that spell out the chosen word. For example, if the word was SANTA you could look for – Soap, Anti-Bac hand gel, Notepad, Teabag, Apron. The first to sit down is the winner!!

Keep family and friends occupied with these games to play at Christmas.
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